
Simple Ways to Enhance your Group Workouts

Not all changes have to be big, bold, drastic or sudden. Some are small, subtle and quiet changes that can seamlessly make a world of difference. In this segment we cover ways in which you can improve your Group training experience, but this time from your perspective:

  1. Be Early: Training is such an immersive activity that you are far from being a spectator and needs you to be active in mind and body in order for the training to be an effective one. Reaching the training venue a few minutes earlier than the scheduled training time will help you ease your mind into the training activity and thereafter be more present and mentally active in the workout.
  2. Be Mindful with your stretches: We get it, you want to do what needs to get done and get on to the good stuff, but here’s a secret – It’s all part of the good stuff- the stretches, the sets and then your cool down. 
  3. Nourish: Eat before you train to ensure your body has the nourishment that it needs to train better. Have a light snack 45 minutes prior to your training. This way you are able to perform well and avoid feeling drained during your workout. Our Go- To is an apple, a banana or a peanut butter sandwich.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Water is essential for your body to be functionally sound. This means that your joints, nerves and muscles get warmer with movement and the heat needs to be balanced out with hydration. This is why you need to stay hydrated not just after your training but also before and during your training.
  5. Interact with others in the Class: Greet your co-trainees, appreciate someone who pushed through a tough set, or even just be receptive to a smile or a nod that comes your way when the class is collectively tired and trying their best, just like you are. You don’t have to be social, just warm. It is a small way to feel a connect in a shared journey towards being healthy.
  6. Train Mindfully : Being mindful means to keep yourself mentally active towards the task at hand. When you train mindfully, you pay attention to your breathing, you take note of the way your body feels during each exercise, this improves your body’s response to the training, and your mind body connection. Another perk is that you will learn the difference between good pain and bad pain while training as a result of which you will be able to watch and correct your posture yourself! 
  7. Rest your mind after your training: Your training constantly puts your body and mind to the test and so it is important to let your mind also take a breath before skipping on to the next task. Take five minutes just after you have finished training and your stretches too, and be quiet. Sit, lounge, relax and let your mind be, don’t start mapping out the rest of your day. Your to-do list can wait, and so can your calls and messages. Use this time to observe your breathing, and relax yourself before you take on the rest of your To-Do’s.

With these small steps you are not just going into effective training mode, but also reforming your attitude towards your day to day routine into a positive and energized one. 

With these ques, we are sure you will avoid playing the “Rehne do, kal kar lenge” card on your training regime.

Maxburn GroupEx gives you even more reason to train regularly – a different workout everyday with strength, stamina and stretch, all taken care of. Dance Fitness, Yoga, KettleBell and Barbell Workouts, HIIT, Pilates and more.

Here’s a link to dive into the Maxburn Ecosystem : https://maxburn.in/maxburn/http://maxburn.in/maxburn/

Try implementing  a couple of these yourself, we would love to hear about it. So come on then, go find your shoes!


Reading Recommendations | Espressoulster Coffee

Every new month gives us a fresh positive rush to do something good, and this time we’re bringing that spirit your way. Nothing slows down time the way a book and a cup of coffee does. Reading is not meant to be a daunting task. The beauty of it lies in the fact that you can start anywhere and you’ll feel welcome and warm to the reading mindset, habit or activity – at whichever of these levels you engage with reading.

We’re bringing some reading recommendations that will give you a jumpstart. August is just a few days away, enough time to get your hands on these books and set your reading clock on.

I) The Hungry Tide : Amitav Ghosh
Awards: Hutch Crossword Book Prize(2006); Grinzane Cavour Prize, Turin Italy (2007)

Following the story of individuals on mission to find a rare species of Dolphins in the Sundarbans, the story follows their journey as they cross paths with an tribes and the author derives from this multiple paradoxes of man vs. nature as well the human coexistence, integrating the characters that come from different mindsets and lifestyles with all but one common lesson: the impermanence that is life.

All the elements of this story however divided are unified by the tide, unified in a collective sense of destruction. The author draws parallels between the reality of life and the manner in which mother nature is the equalizer keeping us all grounded to the reality of life. 

Every character, each individual  is in its own way trying to build, find, change or make a place for themselves. This progression of the characters set against the degrading of nature- the very foundation, makes for a grand contrast, enriching the depth of the storyline. We love the way philosophy and fiction come together, woven through past and present times, adding subtle humour with a blend of different characters. 

‘The Hungry Tide’ – Such an intelligently coined Title what is paradoxical in the showing the greed of man when he takes from nature, brought out by the Tide that reclaims while destroying not just what is now man’s; but also destroying that greed leaving a want for more – a vicious cycle.

II) The 5:00am Club : Robin Sharma

Capturing the meeting of three people from different walks of life, this book gives a comprehensive and relatable take on a concept that we have been told and taught, forced or inculcated – the right way to start your day, waking up at 5:00am. 

This book doesn’t preach, it teaches. It gives you a logic to the theory and captures the domino effect of this habit to help you reason with it. 

The author Robin Sharma has skillfully laid out an age-old concept but with meaning, peaking into the why-s and the why not-s of habits and practices spearheaded by the main one- waking up at 5:00am. He highlights the effects that this has on your mind and how that positive effect cascades into the rest of your day – rolling into days, therefore setting you up for success.

We are Human and the one trait that forms the basis of our actions is reason. The author has formulated sets of rules, small habits, routine tweaks and your mental approach to your day in a way that promotes improvement and progression. He also takes into account that we humans err and aren’t perfect, making room for realistic error, with ways to get back on track.

The 5:00am Club will make you rethink your routine and consider ditching burning the midnight oil on your endeavors towards achieving success in life. 

III) Blink : Malcolm Gladwell

The author draws parallels between psychology and neuroscience and shows us how we have the mysterious ability to think without thinking. This book underlines the importance of instinct, tracing the many calls we take and decisions that we make without consciously being aware of a decision being underway in our mind. The Author highlights the complexity of the human mind and brings to the reader the mysteries of rapid cognition – when you test, compare, weigh and balance your concepts of right and wrong in a matter of moments as opposed to doing so carefully, with time and planning.

All the mind work reaches its conclusion in a flash- in the blink of an eye. Intuition speeds up the process of analysis that would decide the course of the decision, meaning that good decisions do not always mean those that have been extremely thought out with time and careful deliberation but by the filtering out of the right factors to base the decision on- a trait that the author believes that every good decision maker possesses and that the best decision makers master.

It is filled with anecdotes on rapid cognition and how we meander our way towards judgment – the strongest basis of a decision.

You just make time to read, we’ll make you your favourite cup of coffee, at Espressoulster Coffee- Koramangala, Bangalore.


Strength Training – The Mind Angle

The versatility and inclusive nature of strength training has time and again proven to be physically beneficial – be it a fitness goal you look to achieve, your day to day functional fitness you look to improve or even the enhancement of your muscle health enhancing longevity.

Today however, we’re looking into the mental/ psychological benefits of strength training as observed in our in-house sessions. 

Let’s break down what goes on in a session into tasks and micro tasks. You set your mind into the workout that you are going to do- set a premise to align your thoughts to. The first dot to the pattern that you will formulate for yourself through conscious action. This is followed by the 4 A’s- Assessing, Adjusting, Adapting and Achieving

  1. Assessing : The trainer asks you to bring your weights from their designated nook. You analyze- think about how heavy the one you pick should be, and as real as it gets, your trainer would send you back in case you choose too heavy or too light. The usage of resistance in your training – a physical and tangible form of challenge not just to your mind but also to your body. What that sense of challenge does is that it makes you focus inward, developing a conversation with yourself- just before and even during the workout. At first you wonder if it’s weird to be talking to yourself in your mind, but hear us out- these are the seeds of what we otherwise call self- motivation. 
  1. Adjusting : The next step is taking instruction. This is something that we adults aren’t necessarily in the habit of doing. Though being told what to do might conflict with your thoughts of action/ reaction, energy levels and tiredness; it teaches you to get into rhythm, get things done and fight those voices in your head that are holding you back. Most of all? The Trainers instructions ensure a correctly performed workout. You need to switch off the part of your brain that’s giving you distraction, temptation and shifting your focus away from the workout. Therefore, you adjust your thought process, learn to suspend your instincts at least partially so as to complete the workout, one exercise at a time.
  1. Adapting : Many factors fall upon you while training. You become aware of your breath, your body heat goes up, you break a sweat, you start to notice your actions differently – the way your body moves, contracts, stretches, reaches, carries the weight (or fails to) And as you are realizing all these multiple things while they happen, your brain is constantly making changes, sending signals, trying, pushing and adapting to the resistance present in the form of weights or otherwise. It’s not just the weights that you are adapting to. The most pressing factor is the tiredness that starts to creep in. Staying nourished and hydrated enhances your workout, but cannot prevent tiredness completely- this is part of the nature of working of muscles. But the Mind? It constantly grasps and flows, adapting to all these changes by the minute.
  1.  Achieving : After all this physical and mental hard work, comes the reward or completion. That is honestly one of the best feelings – when you’ve completed a set, done the reps, kept your form and fought till the end. It is not a reward, not a result but the sheer fulfilling thrill of completion. Picture the mind as a massive circuit- a neurological black box of connections, cues, switches, flows and reactions. 

Your mind needs a full circle- that sense of completion and order, from a start to a finish. It also feels good when you do something yourself, just being able to, it gives you a small yet affirming sense of self accomplishment. Much like the feeling that you get when you make your own bed first thing in the morning, a strength training session has you diving into your thoughts, limitations, and abilities. And a biggest perk is being able to do what you weren’t able to do- in strength, flexibility and stamina.

All this goes down in just one strength training workout? Absolutely. That’s the 5th ‘A’ – an Awesome workout.

We’d say this is good enough reason for you to put on your shoes, lace up and make your way to Maxburn Fitness Studio’s next Strength Training session.


The Coffee Adventure: From a Bean to Your Cup

The coffee you sip from a cup owes its flavour to several minuscule factors and elements that the coffee encounters through its journey from bean to cup. Known as coffee cherries, only 3 of the many species are cultivated for consumption: Arabica, Robusta and Liberta. The popularly consumed beans are Arabica and Robusta- each having their distinct qualities in texture, colour and flavor. 

Arabica thrives in higher altitudes and is known to have a silkier and smoother taste with fruity notes and Robusta is a contrast with a stronger, grainy and earthy flavour with nutty notes.

The beans are picked once ripened- the darker red coffee cherries are the ones ready to embark on an adventure. The beans are then dried in the dry method for several weeks- repeatedly raked through the day for even drying and covered through night to prevent moisture. The wet method uses water to strip off the outer coatings of the coffee and get it ready for roasting. Roasting them brings upon the first crack wherein the beans grow in size and release caffeol- an oil that gives the coffee it’s fragrance, while the heat brings out the melanoidins in the coffee, which gives it the brown colour and also contributes to its taste. As the heat rises further , the second crack turns the coffee to a darker brown and gives it that glazy shine. 

The beans are then cooled off and ready to be ground. At this stage, the mode and method of brewing the coffee play a vital role in determining the grind size. This is because the grind of the coffee has an effect on the taste. This is because extraction of flavour from the coffee differs based on the grind size. It is a delicate balance of water pressure along with the length of time for which the water is in contact with the coffee and grind size that brings out so many flavour notes.

Though there will always be a hearty and healthy debate on which method is the best method of extraction- the manual brews like the Moka Pot, Pour-Over, French-Press and Syphon among others; versus the machine brewed espresso variants; one thing that coffee lovers world over will agree on is how versatile and flavour-esque coffee truly is- with so much to experience, so much to explore.

By the time it reaches your cup, the coffee has undergone transformation, a phoenix of flavours, if we may. It is honed by the skillful hands of the Barista who blends it to your taste and adds a touch of art to it. We say this journey is one to be cherished. So the next time you step into Espressoulster, remember to take your time to explore the menu, ask all your questions, listen to the grinding of the coffee and the watch the brewing too, in honour of the coffee’s journey from bean to cup; because when this legendary adventure reaches its helm, a faint clank of the ceramic cup on the table welcomes you- a smile from you Barista, a warm waft of steam brushing your face, swirls of brown and then that first sip of your coffee! 

Must we say any more? 


  1. The Process of Coffee Production: From Seed to Cup- Rudy Caretti; https://www.newfoodmagazine.com/article/28006/process-coffee-production-seed-cup/ .
  2. Coffee Flavour: A Review by Denis Richard Seninde and Edgar Chambers IV; 8th July 2020, Beverages- MDPI; https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5710/6/3/44.
  3. Elfinesh Firdissa, Ali Mohammed, Gezahegn Berecha, Weyessa Garedew, “Coffee Drying and Processing Method Influence Quality of Arabica Coffee Varieties (Coffee arabica L.) at Gomma I and Limmu Kossa, Southwest Ethiopia”, Journal of Food Quality, vol. 2022, Article ID 9184374, 8 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9184374

Why You Need to Squat.

An exercise is often debated as a YES – NO – MAYBE, here is Maxburn’s take on The Squat. The typical squat is initiated from standing straight, feet shoulder- width apart. One must bend the knees as if to sit until the thighs are parallel to the floor and retreat thereafter to the standing position. The hands must be dis-engaged, preferably away from the body.

This being an exercise that is based on a functional body, has a primitive and basic construct inspired by the natural movement patterns of the human body. The squat has been associated for centuries with exercises that develop strength, fitness, and health. It is one of the safest exercises as long as it is performed correctly – not just from a workout perspective, but also as part of injury rehabilitation in most cases as long as the injury isn’t subjective to the knees.

The squat is seen to have 3 parts They are the starting position, eccentric/descending phase,  and the concentric/ascending phase. When you break it down, a simple sit down and get back up to standing can demonstrate the complex muscle system that is at play in the human body. The starting position is about checking your alignment that will aid in performing the exercise appropriately. The eccentric phase generates multiple muscle group engagement by distributing and maintaining the tension that is created through the descending movement. The third part –  concentric phase is focused on maintaining the alignment as well as the tension while lifting your body back to the starting position. If you’re reading this, you have probably tried the squat at least once, let’s see if you’ve done it right. When you squat, there are three things that you need to watch out for. 

  1. Your Knees must face straight forward and must never cross your toes.
  2. Your Back must be straight (avoid letting is curve) 
  3. Gaze forward and avoid tightening your shoulders. 

That’s it! 

The squat is an exercise that engages your entire core and doesn’t just help in improving strength. It also improves body balance and posture. The versatility of this exercise is best established by its early inclusion in the ancient and traditional forms of Yoga, Kushti, Kung Fu and Karate among many other forms and adaptations. The ‘buskis’ you did as a punishment back in school were a blessing.

It has been observed in multiple studies that the squat has the potential to improve the activation of the hamstrings, engage the quads and glutes, increase the range of hip flexion and lower body muscle engagement. It takes this one exercise to get your entire lower body fired up, imagine that?

If you’ve read up on squats before, you would agree that the most debated question in this respect is : Are squats harmful to the knees, can you add weights to your squats and can they be performed if you are in rehabilitation for an injury?  

In a study supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic, it was concluded that adding weight as a form of resistance provided a more stable range of motion when performing a squat, especially when increasing external resistance, and this can contribute to reducing the risk of injury during the training process.

It is safe as long as you watch your posture and intensity and effective as long as you incorporate the exercise appropriately into your workout regime.

The squat effectively burns fat, tones your muscles and keeps your functional fitness at its best. Though it is established to be safe, we would recommend that you get the green from your doctor in case you have had an injury in the past year to know just how much intensity you can moderate in terms of squats in your training.

Strength Training workouts have squats as a staple with progressions ranging from adding weights with barbells, dumbbells or kettlebells. Resistance can also be added with resistance bands to increase tension in the muscles. The advantages are not just functional and strength based benefits but gains will help you sculpt too.

Maxburn’s GroupEx Training and Personal Training are both graced by the squat in all its variations and with good reason. Let’s just say- good things do really come to those who squat.


  1. Deep Squat – Should We Be Afraid?Studia Sportiva 2021 /1, Petr Schlegel, Adrián Agricola, Dana Fialová Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
  2. (Kritz et al., 2009; Myer et al., 2014)
  3. Squat research review strength conditioning & flexibility by Andrew Hamilton, https://www.sportsperformancebulletin.com/training/strength-conditioning–flexibility/squat-research-review
  4.  Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol.20 (6), Art 464 pp. 3436 – 3444, 2020

That Cup of Coffee

The bean, the roast, the blend, the brew. Are you someone who has wondered what the passion around all this is? It’s a fair thought, and you could look at it as just a cup of coffee. But we’re hoping that we could leave you with some food for thought.

Passion for coffee drives one to delve deeper into the beginnings, the origin, the process and the journey. The beans that brave the seasons and make it through the farmers’ keen eye, formulate layers as they are dried and later roasted to fold in so many different flavours, blended with varieties and ground to the barista’s liking. Soaked and spent by boiling water the grounds give away all their flavour to be blended and served skillfully to the drinker’s liking.

Coffee has so many layers and notes that come out into the open when prepared in all the lovely different ways that it really is a global mission to be able to extract the most intricate of these notes and make the best of the best cup of coffee. At Espressoulster, we understand that you could be anywhere on the scale 1 to 10 when it comes to being passionate about coffee and we love you regardless. However, we strive to be able to serve your tastes, and might you want to learn more, or to dive deeper and learn about the wonder that is coffee, our Baristas are always game to take you into adventurous world of coffee.

But we must warn you. Once you step into the learning curve, coffee is going to have you wrapped around its finger. Trust us, your Pinterest board, Instagram explore and Google search will be dominated. Not to mention the books and conversations that will follow. Our Baristas are all set for you.

It’s beautiful when you start learning, and Espressoulster Coffee invites and rather urges you to do just that. And our Baristas bet, that once you’ve become a coffee-head you will come to understand that it’s so much more than just a cup of coffee.

Destination: Espressoulster Coffee, Koramangala, Bangalore.
Also find us on Swiggy and Zomato, and stay tuned for more.


Remembering Piero Bambi

“You can learn a technique, but you develop passion only through dedication, love, pride and respect for your work.”

– Piero Bambi

A man known for his passion and dedication, Piero Bambi’s words echo as a testament to his own life. With the vision of that best possible cup of espresso, the son and nephew of the founders of La Marzocco- prestigious manufacturer of espresso coffee machines, Piero took his love for skillful mechanics and his expertise in coffee that he garnered from his father- Giuseppe Bambi and was able to make significant developments in serving that best cup of coffee.

Our La Marzocco coffee machine at Espressoulster Coffee is the La Marzocco Linea which was introduced in 1990 and works on technology that Piero Bambi patented. He was instrumental in the establishment and growth of the La Marzocco factory hubs in Florence, Italy and Seattle, Washington.

On his birth anniversary, we hope and wish to strive on the path that he tirelessly set – the pursuit to serve that perfect cup of coffee, with the most magical espresso for everyone to relish.



A Cardio Q&A

ft. Munna Bhai & Circuit

Munna Bhai : Ae Circuit, Cardio bole to?

Circuit : Apun ko kya pata bhai…. Ye Maxburn waalo ne kuch to bhi likhela hai, padd k dekhte hai. 

Maxburn : Any exercise that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for a  considerable time period is Cardio. Your respiratory system will start working harder, with your heart beating faster as you start to breathe faster and more deeply. Bole to ekdum jaadu ki jhappi ke maafik!

Munna Bhai : Cardio karne ka kyu? 

Circuit : Bhai ne kuch pucha na, to bataane ka….

Maxburn : When you cause your heart to pump faster from time to time you reduce the risk of heart disease. Cardio helps lower your blood pressure by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. 

Circuit : Dean ko karane ka Munna bhai, aapko dekh ke uska BP 180 ke upper chala jaatha hain!

Circuit :Par Bhai to gym mai mast weights uthata hai, akkha muhalla jaanta hai. Cardio ki Bhai ko kya jaroorat?

Munna Bhai : Ae Circuit, Bole toh ek dum solid sawaal hain tera.

Maxburn : Your metabolism may stay enhanced for some time post your Cardio Workout. If you look to build muscle, a combination of cardio and weight training would give you better results than just doing weight training. 

Munna Bhai : Ye Cardio ke liye bhai ko kya karna padega? 

Circuit : Bole to zyada kuch nahi, Bas inme se kuch bhi choose karne ka:

  1. HIIT
  2. Dancing 
  3. Running
  4. Swimming 
  5. Cycling 
  6. Boxing

Circuit :Bhai ye Maxburn waale kya mast se samjhaate hai, ab apun bhi karega Cardio!

Munna Bhai : Par Circuit apun puchna to bhool hi gaya, Ye cardio ka form Kidhar bharne ka hai? 

Circuit : Bhai full confidence mein jaake ekdum vinamrata ke saath Maxburn Fitness Studio mein entry lene ka.

Munna Bhai : Toh Maxburn chal na Maamu!

Top 10 Influencer Tips

An AZE perspective.
By Shakshi Mishra

Let’s be real about this. Being an influencer may seem to be a life of luxury, flexible hours, freebies, and popularity, but it is a path that is paved on hard work, long hours of research, editing and keeping one’s finger on the pulse of trends, and most importantly- churning out content consistently. 

We’ve got some golden nuggets for you! So grab a drink and put on your thinking cap, let’s dive into the world of influencer-dom.

  1. Authenticity is key
    People follow influencers because they trust their opinions and appreciate their unique perspective. Make sure to be yourself and maintain your authenticity in everything you do, from the content you produce to the way you interact with your audience.
  2. Engage with your audience
    Regularly engaging with your audience will help you build your own strong community. Interaction will increase your authenticity as you respond to comments, answer questions, and promote conversation. This will show your followers that you value them and are interested in what they have to say.
  3. Consistency is key
    Consistency is important in building a following and maintaining your audience’s attention. Plan ahead and set a regular posting schedule to ensure that you are providing fresh, relevant content on a regular basis.
  4. Collaborate with others
    Collaborating with other influencers or brands can help you reach a wider audience and provide a fresh perspective. This will also help you diversify your content and keep your followers engaged and interested.
  5. Utilize metrics and analytics
    Keep track of your metrics and analytics to understand your audience and how your content is performing. This will help you keep your strategy current and make data-driven decisions on content creation and audience engagement.
  6. Get personal
    People love to see the human side of influencers. Don’t be afraid to share funny personal stories, embarrassing moments, and jokes about yourself. Your followers will love you for it, be real.
  7. Use memes
    Memes are like the duct tape of the internet, they can fix anything! Add a funny meme to your content and watch your followers’ reactions skyrocket. Just make sure you choose a relevant meme, or you’ll end up looking like a meme-making novice.
  8. Be pun-tastic
    Puns may be cheesy, but they’re also hilarious! Use puns to make your followers laugh and roll their eyes at the same time. 
  9. Take risks
    Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new. Sometimes, the most unexpected jokes are the funniest. Just make sure you don’t cross the line and offend your followers, unless that’s your brand. Then, by all means, go for it!
  10. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
    Keep it light, find humor with yourself too. No one likes a pompous influencer who thinks they’re better than everyone else. So, have fun, be silly, and make sure to include a good dose of humor in your posts. Your followers will thank you for it and also relate to you better!

This was for all you aspiring influencers out there! Go ahead and put these tips to the test and watch your followers (and likes) skyrocket as you start to make a genuine impact. Until next time, happy influencing!

5 Yoga Asanas for Energetic Wintery Mornings

It’s a Winter that seems to only get colder! What better that curling up in a blanket and sipping a cup of coffee or tea?

Ever thought of a workout to beat the chills and achieve your fitness goals? Maxburn can tell you how. You can warm up and stay active by practicing Yoga. It will also help you to avoid lethargy, weakness, joint pain and stiffness. Here are five yoga poses which can be practiced at any fitness level.

1. Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana ( Dynamic Spinal Twist )

  • Avoid it if you have back problems.
  • Increase flexibility in spine and removes the stiffness from the back.
  • Activates the spinal column.

2. Chakki Chalanasana ( Churning the Mill )

  • Toning  of the organs and muscles of pelvis and abdominal.
  • Helps in regulating the periods cycle.

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Facing Dog )

It focuses on firm and steady holding to balance Vata energy.

4. Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose )

  • Toning the abdomen and improving the blood circulation.
  • Strengthens and improves flexibility of the middle and upper back.

5. Savasana

  • Reduces stress.
  • Calms your nervous system
  • Allows your mind and body to relax.

When practiced consistently, these yoga asanas will also improve your mobility.

So! How about trying out this routine tomorrow morning?

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